Introducing the Team Members of Unboxers 
Shin Young-jae, Backend Engineer
Joined the team last fall as an unpaid intern, passionately requesting to be chosen. He possesses tremendous tenacity and responsibility, ensuring project completion at any cost. In a short period, he has shown rapid growth and currently handles web and app backend development.
He is currently enrolled at Yonsei University's College of Engineering.
Byson, Frontend Engineer
Initially met through an outsourced project, we requested him to join our team. He demonstrates a strong sense of responsibility, always meeting deadlines, and possesses the skill to implement all kinds of development requests. With a history of 5 years in infrastructure development at Samsung Electronics, followed by 5 years in freelance development, he has experienced a wide range of development projects.
He graduated from Sungkyunkwan University with a degree in Computer Engineering.
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